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The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book is a hell of an achievement. It is described as a "live action" film which is true in the case of Mowgli and probably some of the stuff he stands on. The rest of the film is computer generated. The fact that you can't tell (apart from the fact that jungle animals are talking) is amazing.

The problem is that I couldn't tell who the film was aimed at. Young children would probably find it a bit scary with real looking tigers attacking other animals and desperately wanting to kill our hero. They would also probably want more than 2 songs to be involved (trust in me anyone?).

For older people, once you are over how impressive the whole thing is you are left with a film where not much happens and animals can talk - though figuring out who is playing everyone offers some entertainment. I quite enjoyed it but would much rather have watched the original again I think.


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