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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

A tremendous film. 80% of it was the best Star Wars film ever. There was just a bit of a side quest that let it down a tad. Still, loved it and can't see what everyone got so upset about.

It has a couple of sections that absolutely bloody amazing too.


Here's an updated Star Wars ranking for you too

1. A New Hope (I saw it first and was nothing I had ever seen before)

2. Empire Strikes Back (I'm willing to accept that this may be better than A New Hope

3. The Last Jedi

4. Rogue One

5. Return of the Jedi

6. The Force Awakens

7. Revenge of the Sith (These last three could be in any order - they all suck)

8. The Phantom Menace

9. Attack of the Clones

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