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Hacksaw Ridge

I was looking forward to Hacksaw Ridge. Mel Gibson has his flaws but he can do a good action scene. An hour in to this film I was bored. The story was about Andrew Garfield being a conscientious objector who wanted to join the army. The first hour is a soppy love story that my gran would watch on ITV3. It's dull, predictable and just boring. He then goes to boot camp where things improve a bit but not much. Then he goes to war.

The war scenes in this film are amazing, very Saving Private Ryan. They make putting up with the first half worthwhile. I didn't get on with some of the Jesus type imagery but the rest of it as amazing. The heroics he performed seemed a bit far fetched but after googling them it turns out he did them all. Impressive stuff.

I didn't quite get his morals - I don't want to kill people but I am happy to help others do that. Apart from that the second half rescued the film


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